Catching the Eye and bringing peace

Pauline’s main goal is to bring a sense of peace to her viewers. Inspired by Keith Haring and Andy Warhol, she combines eye-catching colour schemes and abstract compositions. Starting from a simple geometric figure, Pauline experiments her way to a minimalist, yet intriguing piece of art. That is exactly what she did when composing this wall design for Organic. The geometric printing on Organic acoustic boards turns this soundproofing solution into a moodsetting element for your living room.

Organic Pauline Design April

Geometric Figures

to play around with

Starting from a simple geometric figure, Pauline experiments her way to a minimalist, yet intriguing soundproof panel design. It gives the user freedom to play with lines and curves to create a unique acoustic wall.

Paulien Organic design

Eye catching colour schemes

and abstract compositions

Inspired by Keith Haring and Andy Warhol, Pauline combines eye-catching colour schemes and abstract compositions. Her sound insulating panels fascinate and soothe at the same time.
This Orange Denim acoustic design is an ideal soundproofing solution for a cafeteria or leisure space.

Meet Pauline Verlinden

We asked the graphic designer from Antwerp to create acoustic wall designs. Learn how she approaches the design and learn more about Pauline Verlinden.

About me
My inspiration
The idea behind the design